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One Piece Theory Explained: The Kozuki Clan’s Role in the Punishment of Zunesha During the Void Century.

Zunesha’s connection with Momonosuke suggests there’s an ancestor connection between the two and the Kozuki Clan from the Void Century.

One Piece’s never-ending mysteries always leave behind little clues for fans to guess the most likely outcomes. Zunesha is another mystery in the series who appears to have a connection to Joy Boy, an important person who was a prominent figure during the Void Century. Zunesha is in no position to resist Jack’s relentless pursuit and pleaded for someone to be the one to command it to fight. The Beast Pirates attempt to extinguish the Mink tribe and the ancient civilization by demolishing Zunesha. Jack is more than just a villain to destroy the country, he also returns to murder Zunesha and makes all traces of the Mink tribe disappear.

More concerning is the fact that Zunesha, despite its size, does not fight back against attacks. It was explained that Zunesha was punished for a terrible crime, and had been unable to walk for the next tens of years. It’s impossible to hear, except for Luffy, Momonosuke, and Kozuki Ode. After Momonosuke grants permission, Zunesha responds and defeats Jack. The events following the incident indicate that Zunesha’s punishment has to be connected to the Kozuki Clan.

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What do fans know about Zunesha So Far?

Zunesha is a Naitamie Norida elephant. This is an animal that is huge and whose legs reach the ocean floor. So far, Zunesha is the only animal shown in the series of this specific species. They have two knee joints and long legs. Zunesha is a gifted eye that allows it to perceive distant things and locations with the greatest clarity. Contrary to the extraordinary eyesight Zunesha’s eyes are small, with turquoise-ringed irises. The sunken sockets of the elephant make the irises somewhat difficult to discern, but the similarity of its eyes with those of Mihawk and Imu is evident.

Zunesha’s skin is becoming extremely fragile because of its age. Jack can also inflict injury on Zunesha’s legs using cannons since it’s wrinkled. Although it is not known if this species is immortal one thing is for certain: these elephants live well over a thousand years. Zunesha has been a part of the Mink Tribe for more than a century. It is the oldest living creature that has been introduced in the show, with its lifetime predating even the Void Century.

Zunesha stands over 35 km high and is the tallest character included in the show. In the course of a crime that it has not yet committed in the past, Zunesha is a wanderer at sea, unable to do anything else except walk, unless allowed to do so. Following the time that Momonosuke granted Zunesha permission to fight under the “Zou” arch, Zunesha annihilates Jack and his fleet by simply throwing its massive trunk. Dr. Miyagi of the Mink Tribe wants to know where Zunesha is going. He suggests that Zunesha has been walking for ages with a destination in mind.

It is also able to communicate with people using the “Voice of All Things.” The range of the communication isn’t known however, it’s definitely wide given the way Zunesha is able to talk to Momonosuke within the “Wano Country” arc. Momonosuke claims Zunesha was Joy Boy’s comrade in the Void Century. Zunesha is a remembrance of Joy Boy even to this day and is nostalgic after Luffy’s Devil Fruit is awakened.

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What makes this Theory Seem Plausible?

Luffy and Momonosuke can hear the voice of Zunesha as Jack attacks. Zunesha soliciting permission to fight suggests that it doesn’t matter who grants it so long as she gets it. However, it is only Momonosuke has the authority to instruct Zunesha to fight back, while Luffy is still trying to figure out the meaning of all of it. Zunesha is in Wano to help the Kozuki clan, but encounters , a large fleet Marine battleships. Zunesha communicates via the Voice of All Things with Momonosuke to ask permission to fight for his cause and also to open the borders of Wano.

Luffy’s Devil Fruit awakening Zunesha announces the return of Joy Boy to her and declares the former is destined to be the “Warrior of liberation.” Momonosuke and Zunesha are having a second conversation about Wano following Kaido’s loss. The young shogun suggests that this is not the best time to open Wano’s borders. Momonosuke accepts Zunesha’s decision and Zunesha leaves Wano and disappears into the mist. In their own way, these events might seem like a few coincidences. However, Oda is known for never displaying anything that is irrelevant. The reality that Zunesha can get to this extent for the benefit of the Kozuki family suggests that the two have a connection in the past.

In addition, despite being punished for life, Zunesha shows no signs of anger toward the person who sentenced it; rather it blames itself for its crimes. Luffy and Momonosuke are the only two present characters who have heard Zunesha’s voice. But the possibility that only Momonosuke and Zunesha have a connection is quite surprising, given that Luffy does not have any contact with the elephant, despite being capable of communicating with it. Luffy doesn’t even have the authority to make Zunesha fight this way, suggesting there might be more to this story than what is seen on the surface. Even though Zunesha has great faith in Luffy, and Joy Boy in Luffy, they have not yet interacted in a one-on-one manner. So, based on the previous connections, Zunesha is highly likely to be sentenced under orders from someone in the Kozuki Clan — more specifically, the leader of the clan.

It is still a mystery the reason Zunesha is on her way to somewhere and the destination is not known. The role of the Void Century’s Kozuki Clan is obscured by mystery. It’s possible that it was the Kozuki Clan from over 800 years ago who predicted that the possibility of a major event taking place in the faraway future which would leave behind some glyphs that could help find out about the past. Toki is so enthralled by the distant future that she travels across time to see that important event. Therefore, if the Kozuki Clan is really behind the Zunesha’s punishment It is much more likely that they set a destination and a future role for the gigantic elephant.

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